Name That Right!
Mailbox Magazine Dec/Jan 2001-2002
Use this game to help students focus on the ways citizens exercise their rights every day. Divide the class into groups. Give each group three 4” paper squares: one red, one white, and one blue. Write the following code on the board: red — freedom of speech, blue — freedom of religion, white — freedom of assembly. Have each group discuss these right, then have it write on each card two situations during which a citizen would exercise that right (for example, a group might list “moving to a new town and deciding which church to attend” on the blue card). Give each group a folder in which to store its completed cards. They play the following guessing game:
Other possible situations:
holding a march to protest a new law
attending a meeting on a proposed park
worshipping at a local synagogue
an environmentalist giving a speech on air pollution
a politician giving a campaign speech
Courtesy of the Warren County Historical Society